Well, this is unfamiliar. Well, not so much unfamiliar as I haven’t felt it in a long time. Soreness. Especially my hips and thighs. I don’t know about you, but I love feeling sore. Makes me feel like something actually worked. As opposed to NOT doing anything and feeling comfortable. Lazy.

Anywho, for some reason, I have always had a love hate relationship with breakfast. I’m not a morning person AT ALL (I’m trying to change that) and I’ve always pushed breakfast off because I just never feel too good in the am. I dread getting up, and always vote to stay in bed as long as possible. I get up at the last possible second, so I’m always rushing out the door. So, of course, I have no time to eat anything, let alone cook something. In a perfect world, June Cleaver would make me breakfast and send me off with a good word and a kiss. Yeah.

So, queue pre-packaged breakfasts. You know, crackers, pop tarts, little Greek yogurts, granola bars, the like. Nothing that keeps you full until lunch, but something you can throw in your purse and go, that’s not a million calories if I can help it. Well, I think I found the holy grail:


Yes. The great people at Emerald have come out with these Breakfast on the Go packs. They have candied walnuts, yogurt bites, granola clusters, dried cranberries thats what the members of The Cranberries will be called when they do a reunion tour and peanuts. I have to say, they’re great! 180 calories for a pack, and I’m still full an hour later. A box of six packs is I think $4, so not too shabby. Score one for nuts. Haha.

I also figured out I have GOT to stop drinking sodas again. It’s so hardddd. I love diet sodas like its nobody’s business, especially Diet Coke. Diet Coke has been there for me through thick and thin, good and bad, it’s my best friend. If I could have it intravenously, I absolutely would. I love it that much. Partly because I’m completely addicted to caffeine.

So, I discovered the next best alternative, energy shots!!


These things make me feel GREAT. And by great, I mean bouncing off the walls on cocaine hyped up, which equals great in my book. When you go through life as naturally un-energized as me, this is a welcome blessing. I know they’re not great for you, but who cares. I feel AWESOME.

WELL, everybody have a great rest of the day, I’ll be back later. Also: football officially starts tonight!!!! Squeee!

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2 Responses to ENERGYYYY.

  1. I’m not a morning person either, so I have to eat something easy or that biz gets skipped. I’m a big fan of the Clif builder bars (chocolate mint is what’s up). I quit diet coke last year, and I’m super happy about it. It helped me graduate from college, so at least we had some good times.

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